History Of Marriage Timeline
History of marriage timeline
Marriage system was not practiced at the beginning of human civilization. Firstly, reducing the willfulness, and in order to establish a succession of assets, there are several rules and regulations. that can be used to establish sexual relations. With the rise of the family, this need is felt.In Dr. Westmarch's History of Human Marriage timeline, the source of marriage is the family tradition. Father of the family It is the responsibility of the family to be supported and maintained. On the other hand, the mother took responsibility for child-rearing and housework.
This practice was established in the order of society and by law. The origins of husband and wife are born from this. The concept of marriage, bacteriophage, bastanyan, and witchcraft such as social scientists is the beginning of the marriage system since people feel the need to be socialized.
According to their research, marriage customs became necessary for family peace and order, to raise children and increase manpower. Then religious values arose in the society gradually. In the patriarchal society, marriage is the practice of marriage to women.
On the other hand, in the matriarchal society, men get married to become legitimate members of the wife's family. In the present age, the wife is not just a couple, even colleagues. Marriage is not just a precondition for unity, but the commitment of two parties to live together in accordance with the consent of the two lives.
There are many different customs or marriages in the world. With the development of civilization, some customs have been abolished or banned. The new system has evolved again. Experts have divided the marriage system mainly to four. (1) A married couple (2) Multifarious marriage (3) Long-term marriage (4) Group marriage.
At the same time, taking a wife is a feature of marriage. Simultaneous name of wife to have multiple wives Many marriages The reasons behind multiple marriages are: (1) Male polygamy (2) Male dominance in state and society (3) Aspiration for more children
It is lawful to keep four wives together in Islam. Many fights in the feudal era where the signs of nobility. In this society, this practice is condemnable but not extinct. Longitudinal acceptance has long been abolished socially. Draupadi was the wife of five husbands at the same time in mythological India.
Until the end of the Mughal period, this practice was prevalent in some areas of Sinhala and South India. At present, in some communities in the Canary Islands, Tibetan and Eskimo ethnic traditions are seen. The eldest brother's wife is still the wife of younger brothers, even today in Jonesari and Jathas of Rajasthan. In the present era.
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